Explore a full, working code sample of a loan integration with our Application Programming Interface (API). This documentation will outline the basic steps of fetching a list of additional questions or inspection questions from the policyPay system.
We recommend using Postman for all of our API routes. Download our Postman collection using the link below: Download Postman Collection. Our respective Production and Sandbox URLs are the following: rest.policypay.io/collection/additional_questions/{id} or
uat-rest.policypay.io/collection/additional_questions/{id} .
User Credentials
Email: ***
Password: ***
Public Key: ***
Secret Key: ***
URL: /collection/additional_questions/{id}
A response payload will be returned which includes your API endpoints along with a successul 200 code displayed. See Response Codes below for further details.
To fetch collection questions, use an id input.
Variable | Type | Required | Notes |
id (path) | String | Yes |
Sample JSON Response
"status": "success",
"message": "string",
"questions": [
"text": "string",
"key": "string",
"type": "string",
"options": "string",
"answer": "string"
Response Codes
Code | Description |
200 | Collection questions retrieved successfully |
400 | Failed to fetch questions |
422 | Unprocessable entry |
500 | Internal server error |